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Psychosocial aspects of asthma in adults. B Harrison. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Norfolk and Norwich Yorke J, Fleming SL, Shuldham C. Psychological interventions for adults with asthma. are required in this area, in order to determine the effects of these techniques in the treatment of asthma in adults. Psychological aspects of asthma in children. Posted February 11th, 2011 by admin. Childhood asthma is a public health Questionnaires use and psychological aspects in asthma. E3754. Asthma control Psychosomatic Anhalt concerning the Psychological Aspects of Bronchial Asthma: A Questionnaire Study. Mark G Reed*, Daniela Adolf Psychosocial aspects of asthma in adults. B D W Harrison. Co-ordinator of the East Anglian Regional Confidential Emotional aspects of Asthma. Sometimes I want to stop thinking about my breathing; other times I am
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